Tag Archives: revlon

Spring Giveaway!

That pretty glowing one there at the top is from Night Reflections! Its the clear with glitter that glows Aqua in the dark! Fresh from their shop. Since I have my polishes up on a rack, I can see this one glowing twice as much as my others, even the OPI and China Glaze polishes I have that are glow in the dark! The first winner will get that plus 4 of the others.

I want to pick 3 winners again. So I’ll ask you what your favorite items are from the rest of them, and the first winner will get 4! The next two will get 3 each. Last time I was able to give everyone something they wanted, so it was pretty fun!

Left to Right: Sally Hansen – Ice, AQumore – P039, LA Girls – Enchanting, NYX – Perfect Gray, Sinful Colors – Easy Going, NYX – Dreamy Glitter, Essence – King of Mints, Revlon – Starry Pink (aka Popular), FingerPaints – Gossamer White, and a limited edition tinted SoftLips SPF 15 in pearl (never opened, of course)!

The difference now is… I have no more Google Friend Connect. So there went my followers and my method of doing giveaways. (Until we figure out the best new way, that is!)

So this time, to enter, you can do one of two things, or both for an extra entry!

1. Use the giveaway picture and post/blog about this somewhere, put the URL to your post into the form
(The link to the giveaway is -> http://shimmerspark.com/posts/spring-giveaway-2012)

2. Become a follower in another type of network and comment to tell me your username on that network

(Just go on my sidebar over to the right and pick from Google+ Circles, HelloCotton, Bloglovin, Networked Blogs, or LinkyFollowers. Become a follower and post a comment to this entry to let me know what your username is for what network. If you have trouble with the new comments system, please email me or send a facebook message/wall post!)

I’ll close this one before my wedding, so I’ll go with May 18th!

As always, thank you again so much for reading my blog! I love giving you guys presents so I can do more than just say thank you!


ManGlaze – Mayonnaise & hot pinks to stamp with!

This was some experimenting I did before the french manicure that I posted in my last post!

First, I put a layer of ManGlaze – Mayonnaise on, so that I could see what these hot pinks were going to look like over white!

Here is a swatch, its a matte white polish with some shimmer!

Here were my hot pinks and one neon green I was going to try while I was at it:

From left to right, those are Color Club – Screamin Fucshia, Konad – Psyche Pink, Sally Hansen – Sonic Bloom, a Kiss nail art polish in Bikini Coral, Revlon Scented – Raspberry Rapture, Sally Hansen – Orange You Cute, Zoya – Ali, Illamasqua – Lament, Diamond Cosmetics nail art polish in neon green, Essie – Pink Parka, and Zoya – Lolly

The 3 on the right didn’t work at all (Diamond Cosmetics nail art polish in neon green, Essie – Pink Parka, and Zoya – Lolly)! But all of the ones on the right did!

Here they are stamped with the new bundle monster plates!

Revlon – Crushed Crimson

This one was swapped to me and I was really pleasantly surprised! Its a color I somehow don’t have yet… it is brownish reddish with light pearly shimmer, and its a lighter shade than my others like this. I really love it!

I love when I get a random keeper that I wasn’t even looking for.

China Glaze – Delight

THIS is my most favorite polish of all time. It actually always has been since I found it. I just love how its so rich and metallic and kind of brown and mauve at the same time. I also love that it stamps perfectly with konad, but this time I used it straight so I can swatch its awesomeness!


In the sun, it is awesome brownish metallic!

Later in the day, I took my dark brown Revlon Expresso and added some konad from my new XL stamping plate (Plate B) from Chez Delaney.

I ♥ you forever, Delight!

My happiest Valentine's Day!

I gave myself this ridiculously bright pink V Day konad and took this picture:

I used China Glaze Sneakerhead, added white konad hearts, and then covered it with this stuff, which is pretty clear with bright pink sparkly shimmer…


Then last night after dinner, my boyfriend and I went to walk at the beach and now I’m engaged!!!

I have to take pictures with my actual engagement ring soon, but right now we are having issues and it is at the jeweler’s so I only have a picture with my wedding band now! Its floral and has like 3 leaves, each with a little diamond, and then a dot repeated, I love it so much.

I know I’m not supposed to wear the wedding band until the wedding, but I’m so excited that I have to wear something on that finger until I get my engagement one back! haha!

Hard Candy Konad

With all of the Riva hype, I had to get the dupe! I actually have not worn blue nail polish in years but I love this color!!

Since I’m not used to seeing it on myself, I figured a konad in brown would help me ease into the baby blue.

The image plate is a bundle monster plate and I used my new Revlon Expresso since I love the brown color with the silver micro glitter it has!

Should I get the Chanel Riva afterall? I think now I just have to.


I usually walk around in vampy polishes but V Day time is a good excuse to try out some of the polishes I think are so gorgeous that I’m not used to!

I’ve been dying to try my Nfu Oh 48 over something, and I’ve recently picked up this unknown pink OPI (I don’t know which it is but its my favorite pink ever so I wish I knew!) and this Scented Revlon Raspberry Rapture!

I tried both…

I think it looks better over the Raspberry Rapture since it shows less of the green flakies, so I’m going with this!

This is the Raspberry Rapture by itself, I love it! It is really close to China Glaze Sneakerhead which I also have and love, it just isn’t as fluorescent I guess. And yes it smells so good! Yum!

The final manicure!

Those damn Nfu Oh bottles are the most badass bottles on the planet btw.

I’ll definitely do a V Day konad in a few days, I just didn’t have time today because I’m off to my boyfriend’s parents house for a BBQ. (I’m so sorry if you live in other states, I know you can’t just go out in the sun and have a BBQ right now, but its so hot here. haha!)