Tag Archives: rose

Happy 2013 Giveaway! Featuring Lynnderella’s Snow Angel!

Happy 2013 Giveaway - With a brand new Lynnderella - Snow Angel

I know everyone wants Lynnderella’s Snow Angel, and even if you already have it, they are selling for a ton on eBay! So I thought it’d be exciting to feature that in my giveaway, since I have a brand new, unswatched, big round bottle of it!

I want to pick 3 winners again. So I’ll ask you what your favorite items are from these, and the grand prize winner will get 4, including Snow Angel! The 2nd place winner will get another 4 polishes, and the 3rd will get 3. Every time I’ve done it this way, I’ve been able to give everyone some polishes that they wanted most, so it was pretty fun!

Here is the list of the polishes in the giveaway! Click if you’d like to see google images swatches for each.

To enter, you can do one of two things, or both for an extra entry!

1. Use the giveaway picture and post/blog about this somewhere, put the URL to your post into the form.
Picture to use -> http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8222/8346691467_0d150cc61a.jpg
Link to the giveaway to use -> http://happy2013giveaway.shimmerspark.com

2. Become a facebook friend!
Here I am -> http://www.facebook.com/shimmerspark
(Just put your facebook name into the form, even if you were already my facebook friend.

I will pick the winners randomly, on February 10th!

If you don’t see the form load below this line, click here to go to the original post so that it will load for you


My Favorite Franken!

I want to gush about the girl who made this, but she didn’t want me to just yet, so I WILL with the next bottle I get from her! 🙂

I usually love to look at these awesome glitter mixes, but have a hard time wearing them. THIS one is just 100% awesomeness. Brown base with silver and rose-colored glitter. Its SO perfect for me!

I really got so many compliments on this one, so many more than I get with any other polish actually. I hope she makes more of these and gives it a good name. 🙂

I wore it on my Bachelorette Party day and still have it on my toes.

I’ll have to remove it to do my wedding french mani/pedi tonight.

Wedding in 2 days! I’m so excited, I’m a huge spaz.

Oh and I lost 40 pounds since Jan 1st so I could be at the weight I was a few years ago for my wedding day.

Okay, too excited and must stop babbling.

Up Colors – Multi Magenta

This is Up Colors – Multi Magenta!

It has been raining here, so it was hard to get a sunny shot, but even in regular overcast light, do you see how it glows?

These are really strong holographic polishes, you can get them on the llarowe shop!

It was hard to show exactly why I like this color, compared to all of their other similar pinkish hues. This one is a dusty rose type of color. It isn’t as light as it looks in the photo, in full shade or low light, it actually tends to look darker.

I have Rosa Prisma as well. These apply really nicely, I didn’t even use my aqua base and had no weird bald spots to cover up or fight with.

No Miss – Everglades Eggplant

My fiance drove me up to Whole Foods so I could jump out and buy my yogurt and coffee cream that only they have. I was like “I’ll be fast, just drop me off and circle around and I’ll be right out…”

Of course the nail polish racks caught my eye as I ran past the beauty section! What is my problem? haha!

Anyway, so this is what I grabbed! It was about 7 or 8 dollars, and this brand is very proud of how healthy their formula is. It sure is really awesome and lustrous! It changes between purple and rose, and some shots of the bottle even show another few colors if you look around the edges.

This shows the name of the brand, in case you want to look them up!

Here are the ingredients that they proudly display!

In complete shade, it does look more eggplant-colored, but it doesn’t take much light to really show off the different colors it has!

I’d say its a winner, wouldn’t you? 🙂 They had a lot of other colors too!

Zoya – Marcella (and a blog award!)

This color is really pretty and unique… it is like a burnt rose color with hot pink hidden shimmer! I had ordered the color spoon before buying this from Zoya, and it leaves me wishing the shimmer stood out more.

You can’t really see the shimmer, although the color is still unlike others that I have.

Look at the bottle though, I wish so badly that the shimmer would show on the nail like this:

Also, I am so excited to say that Moondancer Jen from http://moondancerjen.blogspot.com gave me this Liebster blog award! You guys are such a nice and generous community that I’m so glad to be part of!

The Liebster Award is designed to bring well deserved additional recognition to those bloggers with less than 300 followers. You just pass it on to 3 more that you feel best fit that description!

So here are the 3 blogs I would like to give this to!

1. Dorian at http://www.doridavis.com
2. Olivia at http://varnishme.blogspot.com
3. http://solensdanserinde.blogspot.com

Duri – Guilty Pleasures

This is my favorite Duri polish. Its an awesome dark shimmer with a mixture of eggplant and dark rose tones.

It applies SO well in two coats. It goes on really thin, like Chanel’s Black Pearl… very silky and sheer but so full of pigment that you get the good coverage without being thick, so the layers dry quickly and don’t get lumpy.

Its almost like Meet Me On the Star Ferry but darker and richer… and without the glitter? If that makes sense? 🙂

Forgive the index finger, I was in a rush and when I went to run out the door back to work, I put the nail polish back on my rack and totally nicked it with the sharp acrylic edge of the rack shelf. I hate when I do that at the last minute and try to smooth it back out with my finger for a half hour. ha!

Their new bottles are awesome-looking.  You should try some! You can buy them here!

Sephora by OPI – Casting Call

This one looked really bad on me although I LOVE the color of the actual polish. I almost didn’t want to bother posting the swatch, but it didn’t look so bad when I stamped on it with the American Apparel’s Coney Island pink to make it stand out a little more…


Here is the swatch by itself. Eeek, melds too much with my skin tone and looks a little too grandma-ish!

After I stamped it I was like okay, that looks less like grandma nails? Looks more like grandma’s couch though.

I wish it worked on me because I really do love vintage rose mauves like this. I’ll swap it to someone who can make it look prettier. 🙂

I’d like to point out that American Apparel – Coney Island is a really pretty pastel pink and it stamps SO well!

Zoya – Faye and Kate

I was so excited this weekend when my Zoya package arrived on the same day as my first package from Eyeko!

I’ll be swatching all of these, but first I’ll start with Faye and Kate.

Faye is from Zoya’s Sunshine Polish Collection. From that collection, I got this one along with Reva. Both colors surprised me quite a bit. Faye was a lot lighter on the nail than I thought, but only because it is SO full of gold sparkle, its crazy. They really named this collection properly because it is full of bright sunshiney sparkle.

Kate isn’t one of the new ones, I was just in the mood to buy vintage-ish rose creams, and Kate is the one I wore today. I love it! Its almost like the Orly Pink Chocolate polish. 🙂

China Glaze – Blue Without U

This one is a rare HTF China Glaze, but you can usually find someone who has it on ebay. That’s what I did. Actually, I didn’t go looking for it, I was looking for something else. I’m so bad though and I always go looking at what else the same person is selling since I’ll probably combine shipping anyway.

So I saw this one! This is what the bottle looks like:

I couldn’t really pass that up. It was shimmery, and it was very half blue and half pink or kind of mixed… all I knew was I had nothing like it so I wanted to check it out!

Here it is by itself on the index and middle fingers, over white on the ring finger, and over black on the pinky:

Its almost kind of ugly by itself, but over white it is a really pretty blue… and over black, all you can see is the pink! How awesome is that?

I actually thought it looked really unique over black… it isn’t that dark if you do another coat, and it looks like a metallic vintage rose color!

Orly – Pink Chocolate

Before I put my green on, I had to try this one out that I got yesterday!

I swear that I loved it before I saw the name, but who couldn’t love something with this name!?

It really does look like pink chocolate. Yum! I love this one, I have a feeling I’ll wear it a lot. 🙂

Rose/Mauve Polishes

I was wanting to find a nice rosey mauve color, so I tried Essie Angora Cardi and OPI Japanese Rose Garden. They’re pretty different but I actually like them both! They are both keepers, and I think this is the first Essie polish that actually looks good on me. (Although I still don’t like the way it applies… darn Essie!)

Essie Angora Cardi

OPI Japanese Rose Garden

I want to try the Eyeko Tea Rose or China Glaze Fifth Avenue sometime.

Brown and Mauve colors look the best on me with my super light skin and dark roots/eyebrows. (Even though most of my hair is dyed blonde! ha!)

My favorite nail polish of all time is China Glaze Delight because its like mauve and brown in different lights! 😀